Electricity generation from renewable sources

Savings with an independent energy source for your home

Solar panels are devices composed of photovoltaic cells that convert sunlight into electricity and thus provide a sustainable and environmentally sound alternative to electricity production. They are part of the solar power plant solution for the home, in addition to inverters and mounting systems.

Advantages of using solar panels in your home:
• use of the energy from renewable sources (sunlight) and thus have less impact on the environment due to use there are no harmful CO2 emissions,
• economical source of electricity,
• combined with other heating solutions, air conditioning and ventilation and resulting in greater savings and independence from price and energy sources.
Green energy
Easy handling
Long and reliable lifespan
Environmentally friendly
High energy efficiency
Use in homes not linked to EPS/Serbia’s power utility
Use in homes not connected to EPS/Serbia’s power utility
Use of the hybrid models

For homes not connected to EPS/Serbia’s power utility

Solar panels are most commonly used in solutions for residences that are connected to an electrical distribution system. These so-called solar power plants are linked to the facility's current installations in order to maximize savings by utilizing energy from an additional power source. In the event of insufficient power production due to a lack of sunlight, the deficiency is made up for by electricity from the EPS/Serbia’s power utility.

This photovoltaic power plant system utilizes an ON GRID inverter, which does not have the ability to store the energy.

Home not connected to EPS/Serbia’s power utility

Solar power plants are the ideal solution for electricity supply, for homes and weekend houses which are not connected to the electricity system. The battery installation as a feature is mandatory, to support the renewable energy reserving and used when needed.

In this photovoltaic power plant system, an OFF GRID inverter is used, which may store energy but not transferring the energy into the EPS/Serbia’s power utility.

Hybrid models

In homes that are connected to the electrical distribution network, the solar power plant solution is connected to the current installation, but a battery is also placed to make further savings when the panels produce insufficient electricity.

In this photovoltaic power plant system, an ON GRID inverter is used, which can store energy as well as feed it into the network.

The most favorable solution for electricity production

The sun's energy is limitless, and it is estimated that the amount of energy that reaches the Earth's surface in one hour is enough to meet the needs of all Earth's inhabitants for one year.

According to the International Energy Agency, solar power is currently the most cost-effective method of electricity production, with a 43% increase expected by 2040.
Assisting you in selecting the right solution for your home
Your family's lifestyle and habits will determine the best device choice for you.
Different needs require different strategies and tailor-made solutions, designed by our engineers with expertise and experience.
Our consultants will choose the optimal solution from our product portfolio based on the facility's parameters, dimensions, material types, required heat capacity, and, if necessary, compatibility with the existing system  to meet the project's requirements.


One of the most efficient solar panel models that provides optimal results in the absorption of solar energy. The panel efficiency is 22. 27%, which is optimized for standard models.

Energy efficiency: 22,8
Dimensions: 1722 x 1134 x 28 mm
Weight: 19.5kg
Cell type N TOPCON Monokristalni
Technology: half cut
The most commonly implemented solutions

Solar panels - houses

Evaluate the amount of solar energy that can be produced in your home. The amount of power generated by a solar energy system at a given location is determined by the amount of sunlight that reaches it and the system's size.

Solar panels - weekend houses

Energy independence is a significant advantage for a weekend house. Being offline has advantages during interruptions and spikes as your power supply is separate.

Solar panels - residential homes

The joint use of solar panels allows the benefits to be shared among all members of the community.

Instead of traditional energy sources that emit harmful gases, solar power plants use clean and renewable energy from the sun.
Your trusted partner every step of the way
We provide and implement comprehensive solutions, ensuring an excellent user experience through: 
• assessment and consultation
• solution design and project planning • assembly and commissioning
• service and maintenance.
Our services include prompt device maintenance and an extended warranty period for installations carried out by ENERGY NET installers.
We collaborate with over 200 certified installers across the Republic of Serbia, all of whom have undergone several months of training at the ENERGY NET Academy. They ensure efficient and professional installation and maintenance.
ENERGY NET customer support will quickly locate the nearest repairman and send them to your address in record time.
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