Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy explains how ENERGY NET DOO NOVI SAD, registration number 08716013, with headquarters in Novi Sad, Temerinska 111 (hereinafter referred to as "ENERGY NET") collects your personal data, how it uses and manages them. ENERGY NET is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. We carefully ensure that the personal data of our clients are analyzed in accordance with the applicable legal regulations of the Republic of Serbia and the relevant provisions of the European Union directives. Please read this Policy carefully to understand why and how we collect your data and how they will be used.

On our behalf, we are committed to protecting the privacy of all our clients. We collect only the necessary, basic data. We give clients the option of choice, including the decision of whether they wish to be removed from mailing lists. All client data is strictly protected and available only to employees who need the data to perform their work. All employees of ENERGY NET are responsible for respecting the principles of privacy protection. We commit not to use the collected data for any other purpose nor to share it with third parties, except in the cases outlined in this Policy.

  1. Who is the CONTROLLER of your data?
    ENERGY NET is the controller of your data and determines how your public data is processed. As the controller of personal data analysis of its clients and other individuals whose data are necessary for fulfilling business obligations, ENERGY NET is responsible for protecting this data in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law ("Official Gazette of RS," No. 87/2018), which has been in effect since August 21, 2019.
  2. How to contact us regarding your data?
    For analyzing your data and enforcing your rights related to the analysis, you can contact us via email at, stating that the email is regarding the protection of your personal data.
  3. What data do we process and for what purpose?
    We use your personal data for various purposes, such as when it is necessary for fulfilling a contract or taking steps before concluding a contract, when processing is done to comply with ENERGY NET's legal obligations, to protect vital interests, to perform tasks in the public interest or execute ENERGY NET's legal powers, when processing is necessary for the legitimate interests of ENERGY NET or third parties, and when you consent to it. Your data is also used to improve the shopping experience, for marketing purposes, or for security reasons.

For detailed subsections like Order ProcessingFiling ComplaintsPosting CommentsSocial Media UsageJob ApplicationsSurveillance for Protection, and Other Personal Information You Provide, please refer to the full policy text.

  1. How long do we process data?
    ENERGY NET will not retain your personal data longer than necessary to fulfill the purpose for which the data was collected. Depending on the specific case, we store your data until the legitimate interest exists or until you withdraw consent.
  2. What are the rights of our users regarding data processing?
    In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), users have the right to access, correct, delete their data, restrict processing, and file complaints with the supervisory authority. You can also object to data processing and request data transfer to another controller. For more information and exercising these rights, please contact us via email at
  3. Who do we share data with?
    Your data may be shared with trusted partners who process personal data on our behalf, such as IT providers or delivery services, in compliance with applicable laws and our specifications. These partners are required to ensure the confidentiality and security of your data.
  4. Data Retention
    We store personal data in a way that ensures appropriate protection against unauthorized access, processing, disclosure, or destruction, using technical and organizational measures.
  5. Changes to the Policy
    ENERGY NET reserves the right to change or modify this Policy. Any significant changes may be notified via email or by posting on the website. Your continued use of the website will indicate acceptance of the most recent terms and privacy policy.
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